
Please note:

Currently the Riverside University Health System-Public Health, is experiencing an unprecedented shortage of security bank note paper on which death certificates are printed due to recent fires in California.

Due to the shortage, effective immediately we are temporarily limiting all requests for certified copies of death certificates to 1 copy per registered decedent until the supply of bank note can be replenished. The Riverside University Health System-Public Health department is diligently working to obtain a replacement supply of bank note that satisfies the legal requirements for document security.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. In the meantime, please refer requests for additional certified copies to the State Office of Vital Records. Ordering information and processing times are available on the State of California’s website at: www.cdph.ca.gov under I am looking for: vital records.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Wendy Alvarez, Chief Deputy Registrar, at 951.358.5261.