Death Certificate

* Required field

Death Record Information
Type of certified copy you are requesting
Only specific people are eligible to receive this record. This document will establish the identity of the registrant. Refer to Relationship to Registrant section to see if you are eligible. If not, you must request a Certified Informational Copy.
Everyone is eligible to request this record. This document will be printed with a legend on the face of the document that states: "INFORMATIONAL, NOT A VALID DOCUMENT TO ESTABLISH IDENTITY."
Relationship to Registrant

Check the box that establishes your relationship to the person listed on the certificate.

Sworn Statement

By entering my full name in the space provided below I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that I am an authorized person, as defined by the California Health and Safety Code Section 103526 (c), and am eligible to receive an authorized copy of this death certificate.

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